PVA Glue 1 Litre
Unleash your creativity without bounds with Osmer PVA Glue in the generous 1-litre size – the ultimate adhesive companion for your artistic endeavors. Crafted by Osmer, a trusted name in quality stationery, this PVA glue is designed for a multitude of projects, ensuring a strong and durable bond for various materials. Whether you're working on school projects, DIY crafts, or professional presentations, the 1-litre size provides an abundance of glue to bring your ideas to life.
The non-toxic and washable formula adds to its versatility, making it suitable for all ages. Elevate your adhesive game with Osmer PVA Glue – where reliability meets a generous supply for a glue that sticks with you through every creative journey. Secure your 1-litre bottle now and dive into a world of limitless possibilities!
* Twist top
* Acid Free
* Non toxic
* Safe for children
* Dries clear
* Strong Adhesive
* Washable
* Solvent Free
* Bonds most porous materials such as paper and cloth, and semi-porous materials such as wood and pottery
* 1L bottle for classroom or frequent usage